Sunday, January 18, 2015

Where Did He Go

Many of you received a bogus email from me last week stating that I was stranded in Italy and needed money to get back home.  I think it was $1,500.  Either my email account or by contacts list had been invaded, and this email was sent out.

I was on vacation from January 5 to 15 in Florida.  However, take a look at this picture --- maybe I was in Italy!!

Maybe I was in Italy, and this man helped send me back home!!!!  Is that possible???  (check below for an answer)

Actually I was in Florida and visited the Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe.  In the gift shop there is a cardboard cutout out.  In the above picture...who is the person and who is the cutout?

Feed Your Brain - Nourish Your Spirit - Enliven Your Soul

Adult Faith Formation- 2015 Lenten Series
“Seeing the Big Picture”

During this coming Lenten season, the Adult Faith Formation Ministry of St. Mary’s Church, Potsdam and St. Patrick’s Church, Colton is presenting six parts of the twenty-part program, Symbolon.  While many of us may be familiar with different aspects of our faith, this program is designed to help us see the big picture of the Catholic Faith in a way that helps us know it, live it, and articulate it to others.  It helps us answer two very important questions: “How does it all fit together?” and “What difference does it make for my life?”  Symbolon was described by Charles J. Chaput, Archbishop of Philadelphia, as “not just a great adult tool for teaching and learning the Catholic Faith, but a joy to experience.”  
The topics covered in the sessions will be: 
The Divine Revelation
The Bible
Who is Jesus
The Holy Spirit 
The Life of Grace
Why Do I Need the Church
The Last Things

Session dates are Feb. 19, 26, March 5, 12, 19, 26
St. Patrick’s Church Parish Center.

There is no charge for the program and session topics are independent of each other, so parishioners may attend one or all sessions.  Sign-up sheets will be available in the vestibules of St. Mary’s and St. Patrick’s Churches.  In the event of inclement weather, participants should check the parish website.  For more information, contact Dorothy at 265-2135 or Peggy at 265-5811.  We look forward to sharing this Lenten journey together.